Laravel Herd

Documentation for macOS

Custom Drivers

Custom Drivers

You can extend Herd with your own drivers to support customized setups of supported frameworks or to add new frameworks and applications that Herd doesn't support out of the box. You can also change the application information tab in the Site Manager or add additional log file directories for the Log Viewer.

Creating a driver

Herd internally leverages a heavily customized version of Laravel Valet for serving sites, and it includes all drivers that Valet provides. These drivers are a good start when creating your own custom driver, and it often makes sense to further extend them than starting from scratch.

[!NOTE] Please make sure to name the custom driver according to the driver convention. It needs to end on ValetDriver.php and a good name for a custom Laravel driver would be MyLaravelValetDriver.php.

Place your custom driver in the related valet directory on your machine and Herd loads it before serving a site automatically.

~/Library/Application Support/Herd/config/valet/Drivers

Customize Herds behaviour

Log paths

You can customize the paths where the log viewer looks for log files by adjusting the logFilesPaths() method in the driver. The default looks like this:

* Get the logs paths for the application to show in Herds log viewer.
public function logFilesPaths() {
return [

The given paths are relative to the application root.

Application Information

The Site Manager shows a tabular overview of your application in the information tab and you can customize this information to your needs. The default for Laravel applications is the output of the php artisan about command.

If you want to customize the overview table, you can do so by defining this method in your applications' custom driver and returning an array like the following:

public function siteInformation(string $sitePath, string $phpBinary): array
return [
"Overview" => [
"Site Name" => "Laravel Airport",
"Runway operational" => true,
"Flights" => [
"Today" => 10,
"Yesterday" => 5,
"This week" => 22,

Herd injects the path to the current site and the PHP binary to this method so that you can perform more specific commands and even run code with the correct php version.

Custom Laravel Driver Example

This example of a custom driver extends the existing Laravel Driver and modifies it to serve the application from a web instead of the public directory.

namespace Valet\Drivers\Custom;
use Valet\Drivers\LaravelValetDriver;
class CustomLaravelValetDriver extends LaravelValetDriver
* Determine if the driver serves the request.
public function serves(string $sitePath, string $siteName, string $uri): bool
return file_exists($sitePath.'/web/index.php') &&
* Determine if the incoming request is for a static file.
public function isStaticFile(string $sitePath, string $siteName, string $uri)/*: string|false */
if (file_exists($staticFilePath = $sitePath.'/web'.$uri)
&& is_file($staticFilePath)) {
return $staticFilePath;
$storageUri = $uri;
if (strpos($uri, '/storage/') === 0) {
$storageUri = substr($uri, 8);
if ($this->isActualFile($storagePath = $sitePath.'/storage/app/public'.$storageUri)) {
return $storagePath;
return false;
* Get the fully resolved path to the application's front controller.
public function frontControllerPath(string $sitePath, string $siteName, string $uri): ?string
if (file_exists($staticFilePath = $sitePath.'/web'.$uri)
&& $this->isActualFile($staticFilePath)) {
return $staticFilePath;
return $sitePath.'/web/index.php';
* Get the logs paths for the application to show in Herds log viewer.
public function logFilesPaths() {
return ["/storage/logs"];
* Display information about the application in the information tab of the Sites UI.
* For Laravel, it's the output of the `php artisan about` command.
public function siteInformation(string $sitePath, string $phpBinary): array
try {
$process = new Process([
], $sitePath);
$result = json_decode($process->getOutput(), true);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$result = [];
return [

This example driver provides a good overview about the possibilities and make use of the phpBinary and $sitePath variables.